conducting tissue造句

"conducting tissue"是什么意思   


  1. This is particularly important when the conducting tissues between the sa node and the ventricles fail only from time to time .
  2. Their function is more as supporting tissue than as conducting tissue
  3. Conducting tissue asculer tissue
  4. A type of plant tissue consisting of elongated cells with tapering ends , occurring in supporting and conducting tissue
  5. Vascular plants plants containing differentiated cells forming conducting tissue ( vascular tissue , also known as fascicular tissue ) , which comprises the xylem and phloem
  6. It's difficult to find conducting tissue in a sentence. 用conducting tissue造句挺难的
  7. In nonwoody plants it is the only food - conducting tissue , but in mature plants with secondary growth this function is taken over by the secondary phloem
  8. It consists principally of xylem and phloem ( water and food - conducting tissues respectively ) , and also contains strengthening tissue ( sclerenchyma ) and packing tissue ( parenchyma )
    它主要包括木质部和韧皮部(分别运输水分和养料) ,还含有机械组织(厚壁组织)和填充组织(薄壁组织) 。
  9. In nonwoody plants the primary xylem is the only water - conducting tissue , but in mature plants with secondary growth this function is mostly taken over by the secondary xylem
  10. Roots also differ from roots in the arrangement of xylem and phloem , having a solid central strand of vascular tissue rather than a hollow cylinder of conducting tissue
  11. 7 within the range of 0 - 200mm nacl concentration , the ratio between cortical thickness and root got lower ; the growth of stele was stimulated ; vessel dm decreased evidently . in stele , conducting tissue was reduced while the growth of pith was stimulated
  12. There are many adaptive changes in the two research subjects ( artemisia . songarica schrenk . and seriphidium . santolinum ( schrenk ) polijak . ) in morphology and anatomy , such as with the increase of the daily age , the root - shoots ratio increased ; the root became stronger ; the ratio of leaf volume and leaf area increased ; the volume of epidermic cell decreased ; the cut - icle and phellem layer on the surface of root thickened . stoma caved in leaf ; epidermal hair of leaf and stem well - developed , palisde tissue developed well , the cell gap decreased ; the spongy tissue disappeared ; leaf is kinds of isolateralthat is the typical xeromorphic structure ; crystal cell and fibric cell increased ; conducting tissue and mechanical tissue developed well ; bundle sheath appeared
    实验研究的两种菊科( compositae )植物(准噶尔沙蒿( artemisiasongaricaschrenk )和沙漠绢蒿( seriphidiumsantolinum ( schrenk ) poljak . ) ) ,形态解剖方面的变化表现为:随日龄增加,根长/株高比值日益增大;根系逐渐发达;体积与叶面积比逐渐增大;表皮细胞体积变小;角质层增厚;根外部出现加厚的木栓层;气孔下陷;叶、茎部的表皮毛密布,栅栏组织日益发达;而细胞间隙日渐变小;海绵组织逐渐消失;叶面结构常为典型旱生结构? ?等叶面;晶细胞及纤维细胞数目增多;输导组织、机械组织日渐发达;具有维管束鞘等等。


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